8月份的央行数据讲了哪些故事?The Central Bank's August Data: What Stories Do They Tell?

2015-09-16 央行观察
















The eagerly anticipated August data for the central bank's balance sheet and credit statistics have finally been released. While the comprehensive overview of deposit-taking institutions and the balance sheet of other deposit-taking institutions were not simultaneously published, the existing information is already enough to draw close attention.

Starting with the central bank's foreign assets on its balance sheet, the data shows an August decrease of 854.5 billion yuan. Excluding the increase of 3.7 billion yuan in gold deposits, this comprises a reduction of 318.4 billion yuan in foreign exchange deposits and 539.8 billion yuan in "other foreign assets." The central bank explained that the decrease in foreign exchange deposits is less than the $93.9 billion (approximately 600 billion yuan) decline in China's foreign exchange reserves in August when converted based on exchange rates. In addition to providing foreign exchange liquidity, the central bank also experienced some fund withdrawals for entrusted loans related to foreign exchange reserves, and various major financial asset prices in international markets experienced different degrees of correction, which contributed to the inconsistent changes in foreign exchange deposits and foreign exchange reserves.

The reduction in "other foreign assets" is difficult to explain. This data has surged since July 2007, reaching 1.5 trillion yuan in June 2008, subsequently experiencing sporadic declines, stabilizing around 740 billion yuan since January 2013 after jumping from 407.7 billion yuan at the end of 2012. Changes in one asset could imply changes in another asset in reverse or changes in the same direction in liabilities/owner's equity. Therefore, the reduction in "other foreign assets" indicates an increase in other asset items or a decrease in liabilities/owner's equity.

While the central bank's claims on other deposit-taking institutions surged by 743.5 billion yuan in August, considering the central bank injected 210 billion yuan in liquidity through reverse repurchase agreements during the month, conducted a 6-day Standing Lending Facility (SLF) operation of 140 billion yuan from August 31, a 7-day SLF operation of 60 billion yuan from August 28, a 6-day SLF operation of 140 billion yuan from August 26, added 110 billion yuan in Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF), and 60.4 billion yuan in pledged supplementary lending (PSL), totaling liquidity injection reached 720.4 billion yuan, close to the scale of 743.5 billion yuan. Since these operations are domestic operations, not involving foreign assets, the reduction of 539.8 billion yuan in "other foreign assets" should not correspond to an increase in bank claims.

One viewpoint holds that these "other foreign assets" correspond to foreign currency deposits with the central bank. The rationale behind this perspective is that when banks hand foreign currency over to the central bank, there could be two states: holding RMB deposits through foreign exchange settlement and holding foreign currency deposits. Depending on the central bank's handling, the foreign currency received from banks could be classified differently; the former would be foreign exchange deposits, while the latter would be "other foreign deposits." The validity of this perspective is not clear from the current information. Regardless, this portion of "other foreign assets" should have left the central bank, and since there are no other significant potential increases on the central bank's asset side, this likely indicates that the central bank has reduced some liabilities.

Looking at the liability side of the central bank, we observe that other deposit-taking institutions' deposits with the central bank increased by only 17.7 billion yuan in August. This implies that if the central bank did not inject the aforementioned 743.5 billion yuan in liquidity, and banks did not receive an additional 247.6 billion yuan due to a decrease in fiscal deposits during the period, banks' deposits with the central bank would have decreased by nearly 990 billion yuan. This is due to banks directly increasing their holdings of the central bank's foreign assets by over 850 billion yuan, resulting in a decrease in their RMB deposits with the central bank. The scale of foreign assets held by banks can be confirmed through the balance sheet of other deposit-taking institutions, which will likely show that the increase in foreign assets held by banks is smaller than the decrease in foreign assets held by the central bank. This is because the customers of banks and foreign entities directly hold these assets, and the simplest way to transfer these assets is to send them abroad, which leads to a simultaneous decrease in bank deposits.

Analyzing the People's Bank of China's balance of payments, we see that new loans increased by 809.6 billion yuan, which should have created an equivalent amount of deposits. Meanwhile, deposits held by non-bank financial institutions decreased by 795.6 billion yuan. These two factors should have led to an increase of nearly 1.6 trillion yuan in household, corporate, and government deposits. However, this increase in RMB deposits is offset by the reduction of 723.8 billion yuan in financial institutions' foreign exchange deposits, meaning that 723.8 billion yuan in RMB deposits have been converted into foreign currency deposits. As a result, the net increase in RMB deposits is 953.6 billion yuan. The decrease in non-bank financial institutions' deposits is likely related to capital outflows from the stock market.

Furthermore, even though the central bank injected 743.5 billion yuan in liquidity, the seven major Chinese banks collectively borrowed only 50.8 billion yuan from the central bank, and mid-sized and smaller Chinese banks borrowed 68.4 billion yuan, totaling only 119.2 billion yuan. This suggests that the central bank's liquidity support was primarily aimed at banks other than the seven major and mid-sized banks. One factor behind this support could be related to the foreign exchange market. Some banks, outside the scope of the aforementioned banks, might have purchased a significant amount of foreign exchange for some reason, leading to a substantial decrease in their RMB deposits with the central bank. In response, the central bank provided liquidity support to ensure that these banks' deposits with the central bank did not decrease drastically.

Both foreign assets and RMB deposits with the central bank are assets for banks. The central bank sells foreign assets and injects RMB liquidity, allowing banks to increase their foreign assets while keeping their RMB deposits with the central bank roughly unchanged. It can be imagined that the central bank's actions occur first, followed by further interbank transactions of foreign assets, accompanied by the mutual transfer of RMB deposits with the central bank among banks. While the data on banks borrowing from the central bank shows how RMB liquidity was injected into the banking system, the distribution of RMB deposits with the central bank to a certain extent reflects how foreign assets flow among banks in the opposite direction. The seven major banks increased their RMB deposits with the central bank by 368.3 billion yuan, mid-sized and smaller banks increased theirs by 170.7 billion yuan, totaling 539 billion yuan, slightly exceeding the 177 billion yuan mentioned in the central bank's balance sheet. This indicates that other banks likely decreased their RMB deposits with the central bank. The reasons for this decrease might include their purchase of foreign assets from the seven major and mid-sized banks.

Another factor influencing the pattern of RMB deposits with the central bank is related to the stock market. Large banks' deposits decreased by 547.3 billion yuan in August, mainly influenced by the decrease of 897.2 billion yuan in non-deposit-type financial institutions' deposits. This indicates that the outflow of funds from the stock market did not spread evenly among the large banks but flowed instead to mid-sized and smaller banks, leading to a 876.9 billion yuan increase in domestic deposits for mid-sized and smaller banks. Such interbank transfers of deposits also imply the interbank transfer of RMB deposits with the central bank. Consequently, in August, while large banks lost deposits with the central bank due to outflows, they managed to mitigate the loss through various actions such as adding 500 billion yuan in reverse repurchase agreements, reclaiming 320 billion yuan lent out to other banks, reclaiming 135.8 billion yuan in securities repurchase agreements, and repaying 104.2 billion yuan borrowed from other banks, striving to maintain or slightly increase their deposits with the central bank.

Looking at overseas RMB deposits and loans for both large banks and mid-sized and smaller banks, large banks reduced their overseas RMB deposits by 31.9 billion yuan and increased their overseas RMB loans by 1.9 billion yuan. Surprisingly, mid-sized and smaller banks reduced their overseas deposits by 66.7 billion yuan while increasing their overseas RMB loans by 84.4 billion yuan. Considering that the source and use of large banks are generally larger than those of mid-sized and smaller banks, it is evident that the overseas RMB business of mid-sized and smaller banks far exceeded the normal level. In this round of depreciation, mid-sized and smaller banks played a major role in externalizing foreign assets and converting liabilities into RMB. By the end of August, the balance of overseas RMB loans was only 344.2 billion yuan, making the increase in August significant.

Looking at the foreign currency balance of payments, we observe a reduction of $76.2 billion in foreign exchange transactions, equivalent to about 487.6 billion yuan. This indicates that in the face of massive customer demand for foreign exchange purchases, both the People's Bank of China and domestic commercial banks independently faced the challenge. On one hand, they purchased foreign exchange from the central bank (resulting in a decrease of 318.4 billion yuan in foreign exchange deposits), and on the other hand, they handled customer demand for foreign exchange (approximately 487.6 billion yuan). Together, these two sums exceeded the reduction in financial institutions' foreign exchange deposits (723.8 billion yuan). However, despite the decrease of $6.2 billion in foreign currency loans and the $2 billion decrease in overseas and domestic foreign currency loans combined, depositors did not generate an equivalent amount of foreign currency deposits after purchasing foreign exchange from banks. Instead, they only formed an additional $27 billion in foreign currency deposits (approximately 172.6 billion yuan), less than the 723.8 billion yuan reduction in financial institutions' foreign exchange deposits. Whether this difference is solely due to cross-border remittances remains to be seen in the foreign exchange bureau's cross-border remittance data.

Financial institutions can certainly hold negative foreign exchange balances, where RMB deposits created by loans could be used for foreign exchange purchases. It's also possible for the scale of foreign assets held by financial institutions to be smaller than the scale of foreign exchange deposits held by banks' customers. The reduction in foreign exchange deposits/foreign exchange transactions can only indicate that banks have converted RMB deposits with the central bank into foreign currency deposits, and subsequent cross-border remittances are separate operations.

In summary, due to the fluctuations in both the stock and foreign exchange markets, the credit balance and balance sheet data for the central bank in August are characterized by significant volatility and transactions that require further understanding. Nonetheless, the overall narrative is clear: the central bank sold its substantial foreign assets to banks, with the quantity of these assets being so large that the central bank needed to provide RMB liquidity support to enable banks to purchase them. The interbank foreign exchange transactions and the outflow of funds from the stock market led to the redistribution of RMB deposits among banks.