真实经济中的消费和投资/Consumption and Investment in the Real Economy →
原创 2015-12-07 季天鹤 央行观察 央行观察
Professor Xu Nuojin of the People's Bank of China published "Advantageous Breakthroughs" in May 2015. The book is divided into three volumes and collects observations and thoughts from Professor Xu over the past decade, particularly on the topics of consumption and investment, providing readers with valuable insights.
In a certain period (e.g., a year), people produce flows of consumer goods and investment goods. The flow of consumer goods consumed in that year is generally considered as consumption for that year, while all the flows of investment goods for that year, as well as the retained flows of consumer goods, are generally considered as investment for that year. This perspective maintains the sum of consumption and investment equal to the total flows of consumer and investment goods for that year. If savings are considered as the unconsumed portion of output, then savings naturally equal investment.
Expressing the above description in formulaic terms: People's output flow = Flow of consumer goods + Flow of investment goods. Since not all flow of consumer goods is necessarily consumed, we have: Output flow = Consumption of consumer goods + Retained flow of consumer goods + Flow of investment goods. For the three components mentioned above, people generally only consider the consumption of the flow of consumer goods as consumption. Thus, we have: Output = Consumption (consumption of flow of consumer goods) + Investment (= investment in inventory, i.e., retained flow of consumer goods + investment in fixed assets, etc.). And if output flow - consumption = savings, then clearly savings = investment.
If the consumer goods retained from the past cannot be consumed now, and the investment goods retained from the past cannot produce consumer goods anymore, such as spoiled rice and rusted machines, then how should we consider these retained consumer and investment goods? To guard against risks, people would want to hold a certain inventory of consumer goods. And to produce more consumer goods in the next year, people would need to maintain a certain inventory of investment goods. Spoiled rice reduces the inventory of consumer goods, while rusted machines decrease the inventory of investment goods. Thus, people need to work more and produce more to compensate for the reduced rice inventory and the rusted machines.
There is an absurdity here. If society desires to produce more things in a certain period, one way is to constantly destroy what was left behind or to keep damaging what was left behind. If a bridge was built last year and is not needed this year, there will be no investment goods produced this year. However, if the bridge built last year is blown up, or if the bridge collapses, and it is rebuilt this year, then there will be a new round of investment this year, seemingly resulting in more current output than if there were no bridge to build.
Compared to the absurdity of destroying and reproducing or producing for the sake of production, there is another absurdity: producing for the sake of production. People have a limited amount of things they can consume in a year, but the roads built on Earth are far from reaching their limits. The roads built this year, even if never used, contribute to this year's output goal. Also, while the things people eat are limited, there is no upper limit to the uneaten food, so people can produce a lot of food and stack it up, contributing to this year's output goal.
These two absurdities above actually reveal some of the problems at present. The Chinese people are very busy, things are always breaking and needing repairs, roads need repaving, rebuilding is frequently required for newly constructed municipal projects. What is "reassuring" is that every repetition of production creates GDP. If a house is built and doesn't need to be rebuilt for hundreds of years, won't that mean there's no new GDP? However, the problem is, if everyone is so busy, how will there be time to "go home often"?
The total capital formation in GDP includes total fixed capital formation and changes in inventories. If, for the sake of making current GDP look good, investment is blindly expanded, the result will either be a surplus of factories that won't start production and roads that no one will use (stock of fixed asset investment), or a surplus of things that can't be sold (inventory investment). The bizarre thing is that GDP doesn't measure stock. No matter how much inventory and idle capacity there is, it won't be reflected in GDP. As long as factories are continuously built and goods are stored, there will be GDP.
In the past, when both investment goods and consumer goods were scarce, building a road would mean people would use it, and things produced would always have a market. So pursuing GDP wouldn't leave behind surplus capacity and inventory. However, now, building a road doesn't necessarily mean people will use it, and producing things doesn't necessarily mean there's a market for them. Thus, pursuing GDP through expanded investment leads to the problem of overcapacity and inventory. Some might say that if something is built this year, it's built this year; next year is a new year. But at least we can see that much of the work this year is in vain, and everyone could use some rest. In a world with money and currency, there will be even more negative consequences.
However, these absurdities above don't mean that investment is unimportant. In fact, China still needs a large amount of investment to produce consumer goods to satisfy everyone's needs. This is also the point Professor Xu mentioned in "Advantageous Breakthroughs". People need education services, medical services, convenient transportation services, better accommodation services, etc., all of which require investments in education, healthcare, transportation, real estate, etc. Without investment, there won't be more consumption. Of course, this kind of investment is not the low-quality investment that needs to be constantly rebuilt, nor is it the idle capacity investment that doesn't meet the needs, and it's definitely not the inventory investment in products that no one needs. Future investment will be led by consumption, not investments made just to inflate current GDP. This is likely the true meaning of consumption becoming the engine of growth.
Expanding the connotations of consumption and investment to imports and exports in an open economy, apart from consumption and investment, we also need to consider imports and exports. If China has imports without exports in a year, it means that within China's flows of consumer goods and investment goods produced for that year, some flows of consumer goods are consumed domestically, some flows of consumer and investment goods are retained domestically, and some flows of consumer and investment goods are taken by foreign countries. In other words, the domestic output flow for that year is greater than domestic consumption and retention. If China only has imports without exports, it means that within China's flows of consumer goods and investment goods produced for that year, some flows of consumer and investment goods are consumed or retained from foreign countries. In other words, the domestic output flow for that year is less than domestic consumption and retention.
If there are both imports and exports, then the situation combines the two scenarios above. In a year, some things produced in China go to foreign countries, and some things from foreign countries come to China. This results in differences between the flows of consumer and investment goods that people in China can consume, retain, and those produced in China, i.e., the self-consumed and self-retained flows of consumer and investment goods for that year are less than the self-produced flows of consumer and investment goods for that year. Simultaneously, there is consumption and retention of foreign flows of consumer and investment goods.
So, what does a positive or negative net export mean? Let's first consider the scenario of giving and receiving for free. If China gives a lot of things to foreign countries for free in a year, even though it appears like exports, both cases mean that within that year, China's domestic output flow is greater than domestic consumption and retention. However, in the case of exports, China obtains the right to exchange for some things from foreign countries through equivalent trade, although this exchange operation is delayed until the future. But giving for free does not grant China the right to exchange for things from foreign countries in the future.
Similarly, receiving for free and imports, even though they both appear to allow China to consume flows of consumer and investment goods and retain flows of consumer and investment goods more than the self-produced flows of consumer and investment goods, in the case of receiving for free, foreign countries won't gain the right to extract Chinese consumer or investment goods in the future. In the case of imports, because when foreign countries export things to China, they gain the right to exchange for Chinese consumer or investment goods in the future, it means China might face a positive net export in the future.
Thus, we can see that current net exports are actually equivalent to retaining some output flows for now, to be consumed in the future. The only difference is that this retention is not within the borders of the exporting country but rather in foreign countries where the ability to extract foreign goods is retained. In this context, imports and exports can indeed be placed within the framework of consumption and investment. They can be seen as either future consumer goods or investment goods. The only distinction is that this retention is either in another country for one's own country, or in one's own country for another country. Understanding this point is an important premise for correctly comprehending a world with money and currency, as well as understanding foreign exchange reserves, foreign exchange deposits, and the issuance of currency caused by balance of payments.
In a world without money, the concepts and relationships of consumption, investment, and savings are very clear. People, over a certain period, either consume or invest. Investment leads to future consumption (inventory investment) or expanded consumption (fixed asset investment). Fixed investments that can't expand future consumption and accumulating inventory of unconsumable consumer goods, though they seem to create a lot of output in the current period and keep people busy and resource-intensive, are essentially useless investments, leading to wasted effort and time. The GDP generated by investment is a byproduct; the ultimate purpose of investment is to increase future consumer goods, not inflate current GDP.
All the discussions above don't involve a common thing encountered in daily life: money or currency. Discussions involving money and currency would make analyses more complex because currency itself flows, accumulates, expands, contracts, and has its own supply and demand dynamics. This article aims to describe a simple scenario of a simple real economy. Future articles will build on this foundation, combining Professor Xu Nuojin's "Advantageous Breakthroughs," to analyze pure money scenarios as well as the coexistence of money and physical goods in the real world.