如何透视只有钱的世界?How to Gain Insights into a Money-Only World? →
原创 2015-12-10 季天鹤 央行观察 央行观察
In the previous article "Consumption and Investment in the Real Economy," we analyzed a world without money. In this article, we discuss a world with only money, first analyzing the perspectives of monetary savings and monetary investments in everyday life. Then we consider monetary circulation and finally discuss the reality in China.
Monetary Savings and Investments from an Everyday Perspective: When a person receives money, there are three possible uses: spending it and never getting it back, holding onto it without using it, or engaging in a special type of expenditure that will bring back more money in the future. These three correspond to the consumption flow's consumption, the retention of the consumption flow, and the investment flow in the real economy. From the consumption-investment-savings perspective in the physical analysis, we consider both the second and third uses as investments, while the remaining part of the monetary income flow after subtracting the first use is considered savings. Thus, we can still have "Investment = Savings."
However, in daily life, people only consider the third type, which is the special expenditure that generates returns, as "investment," and the second type, which is the "retention of money," is seen as "savings." In this "daily" perspective, monetary investment is unrelated to monetary savings, but rather aligned with the first type mentioned earlier – monetary spending – together forming several uses of monetary income. In this context, the equation "Investment = Savings" doesn't exist, but instead, it becomes "Monetary Income = Monetary Spending + Monetary Savings + Monetary Investment."
Monetary spending and monetary investment both involve the continued expenditure of monetary income, while monetary savings create a difference between monetary income and monetary spending over a certain period. Consider two individuals, A and B. A receives 100 yuan, gives 30 yuan for free to B, lends 50 yuan to B, and retains 20 yuan for themselves. A's expenditure is only 80 yuan, and this 80 yuan becomes B's income, even if B uses all their income for spending, the maximum would still be 80 yuan.
The Flow of Money in Three Virtual Countries: Let's consider three countries: Spendthriftland, Saversville, and Investorsland. Each country has a total monetary supply of 100 million yuan, with 10,000 people and 10,000 yuan per person. However, they differ in how they use money. Spendthriftland spends all its money, Saversville saves all its money, and Investorsland invests all its money. These uses of money correspond to the perspectives mentioned earlier. What will we observe?
In Spendthriftland, each person spends their 10,000 yuan. This collective action leads to a circulation of 100 million yuan. Although the retained money for each individual might not be 10,000 yuan due to different recipients of their spending, the total monetary supply remains 100 million yuan. In Saversville, each person saves their 10,000 yuan, resulting in no circulation of money. In Investorsland, people collectively invest their money, causing a circulation of 100 million yuan. The total monetary supply remains 100 million yuan, and with returns from investments, there will be new rounds of money circulation in the future.
Frequency of Money Circulation: The frequency of money circulation plays a role as well. For Saversville, since there is no money circulation at all, the frequency is 0 times per year. For Spendthriftland and Investorsland, if collective spending/investment occurs once per month, the total annual money circulation is 1.2 billion yuan. If spending/investment happens daily, the annual money circulation would be 36.5 billion yuan, much higher than the monthly frequency.
However, let's consider a scenario in Spendthriftland where each individual spends only half of their current money supply every month. In this case, the annual money circulation wouldn't be 1.2 billion yuan, but 600 million yuan. As people spend only half of their income, the circulation would be reduced over time. This is an example of how changes in individual behavior can impact the overall money circulation.
Maintaining or Increasing Circulation: To maintain or increase the circulation of money, people can lower savings and increase spending. If people in Spendthriftland start spending all their money, the existing circulation could be maintained or even expanded. Another method is printing money, which is a way to create currency. When circulation is decreasing due to changes in behavior, new currency issuance can maintain the circulation level.
China's Reality: China's monetary reality involves the interplay of money circulation and money creation. The People's Bank of China issues paper money and coins, while banks create various types of deposits. Social entities receive more money on one hand and continue to save and spend that money on the other. Spending includes both non-returnable expenditures and investments with expected returns. However, out of the total monetary supply of 136 trillion yuan, only a portion is truly active, while much remains stagnant in bank accounts, such as fixed-term deposits.
Deposits are not used by banks for lending, as bank loans create new deposit currency. The difference between bank loans and P2P loans lies in the fact that bank loans create new deposit currency, increasing the deposit money supply, while P2P loans transfer existing deposit currency from one person to another, keeping the total deposit money supply unchanged. Though both are referred to as loans and serve as financing tools, their sources of deposit currency are different: one is creation, and the other is transfer.
China's monetary reality involves high savings and high money creation. China creates over 15 trillion yuan of new currency each year. This new currency, together with the existing currency, is used both for circulation and savings. As seen earlier, if people consistently save a portion of their income, the money circulation scale would decrease over time. New currency creation satisfies the needs for both retaining and spending money.
High savings doesn't necessarily mean low interest rates. Here, savings refer to "savings" in the equation "Monetary Income = Monetary Spending + Monetary Savings + Monetary Investment." People deposit their money in banks but are unwilling to lend to businesses, resulting in a situation where money appears abundant but is not effectively used. Fiscal policy can enhance money circulation by reducing treasury deposits, which currently stand at around 40,000 to 50,000 yuan, and mobilizing these funds to increase the money held by other market entities.
Fiscal income is sourced both from issuing bonds to banks to create currency and from taxes or bond issuance, transferring existing money from some market entities to the government. The fiscal application of money involves transferring money to others, accumulating in the treasury, and investing in other market entities through bonds or equity investments. An active fiscal policy involves spending from the treasury, accumulating money in the treasury, and investing in other market entities through bonds or equity investments.
Monetary policy can create more money for circulation. Whether through direct quantity-based adjustments or by increasing or decreasing loans to impact interest rates, these monetary policy actions eventually manifest in the scale of money circulation. Central banks typically expand the money supply through bank loans. A traditional method employed by central banks is using external payments.
Conclusion: In this complex interplay of money creation and circulation, China faces the challenge of managing high savings and creating sufficient money circulation. Regulatory changes and innovative financial products could unlock more efficient money circulation, allowing individuals to diversify their investment options and use money more effectively.