二次结汇的危害到底有多大?The Dangers of Secondary Foreign Exchange Settlement: How Significant Are They?
The currency swaps between major central banks during the 2008 financial crisis cannot be considered the norm. The real norm was the situation faced by Asian countries in 1998. No country could exchange its own currency for US dollars with the Federal Reserve. Instead, they encountered strict conditions and arrogant refusals.
Articles published on March 8th and 28th, 2015, by the public WeChat account "Central Bank Observation" discussed two of the three reasons why the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange opposed the gratuitous transfer of foreign exchange reserves. These reasons were "the different sources of foreign exchange reserves and taxes" and "the imbalance in the central bank's balance sheet caused by the transfer of foreign exchange reserves." This article aims to discuss the last point, which is the concern raised by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange: "If foreign exchange reserves are gratuitously transferred to domestic economic entities for use, since foreign exchange reserves cannot be used domestically, these entities must undergo secondary foreign exchange settlement, which effectively increases currency issuance and brings inflationary pressures."
To address this issue, let's first discuss the concept of foreign exchange settlement.
A customer brings US dollar banknotes to a bank for foreign exchange settlement. On the bank's asset side, US dollar banknotes increase, while on the liability side, Chinese yuan deposits increase. For the customer, their assets decrease in US dollars, while their assets in Chinese yuan deposits increase. Assuming other conditions remain constant, this process results in the creation of Chinese yuan deposits, which means currency issuance occurs. If the customer later withdraws Chinese yuan banknotes, the bank's total assets return to the size they were before the foreign exchange settlement. On the bank's asset side, Chinese yuan banknotes decrease while US dollar banknotes increase. For the customer, their assets decrease in Chinese yuan banknotes, and their US dollar banknotes increase. If the bank aims to maintain the same level of Chinese yuan banknotes, it would need to borrow Chinese yuan banknotes from the central bank or exchange assets (such as US dollar banknotes) with the central bank for Chinese yuan banknotes.
However, the exchange of US dollar banknotes for Chinese yuan banknotes between the bank and its customers is different from the exchange of foreign exchange banknotes between the central bank and commercial banks. This is because the Chinese yuan banknotes held by the central bank as a liability are assets for the banks and their customers. While the exchange of foreign exchange banknotes between the banks and their customers doesn't lead to an increase in the bank's assets, exchanges between the central bank and commercial banks do expand the central bank's balance sheet. Therefore, the foreign exchange transactions between the central bank and commercial banks can be seen as foreign exchange settlement, rather than simply buying and selling. Although the central bank can choose to sell other assets, such as government bonds or claims on other banks, until the end of January 2015, the amount of these non-foreign exchange assets was only about ¥6 trillion, far less than the ¥27 trillion in foreign exchange deposits. Thus, due to the rapid inflow of foreign exchange, the central bank could only absorb it by expanding its liabilities, as it lacked the option to reduce other assets. Furthermore, even if the central bank had sufficient government bonds to sell, because banks would need banknotes to meet customer demand, the central bank would have to create Chinese yuan banknotes to satisfy banks. Selling government bonds wouldn't solve the problem.
If the customers don't withdraw Chinese yuan banknotes and leave them in Chinese yuan deposits, the bank's reserve requirement ratio decreases, as Chinese yuan deposits increase without an equivalent increase in Chinese yuan reserves. Assuming other conditions remain constant, this leads to an increased demand for reserves in the banking system due to foreign exchange settlement. The central bank can solve this by lending (increasing claims and reserves) or through foreign exchange settlement (increasing foreign exchange and reserves). Alternatively, it can lower the reserve requirement ratio. If it does so, the Chinese yuan banknotes generated by previous foreign exchange settlement processes will be closer to the required reserves, and the other part will turn into excess reserves. Assuming the conditions remain unchanged, the additional Chinese yuan banknotes generated by the foreign exchange settlement process will lead to a decrease in the reserve requirement ratio, which results in the expansion of bank lending.
If export businesses directly trade with non-financial institutions abroad instead of exchanging with banks, either the Chinese yuan's appreciation will accelerate significantly, or a large volume of transactions will be dollarized domestically. Both of these outcomes are undesirable for the central bank. The banks can increase their foreign exchange holdings by selling assets (such as loans or government bonds) while keeping their total assets constant. However, the market lacks significant asset securitization or bond investment funds. Therefore, banks can only expand their balance sheets by increasing Chinese yuan deposits. Regardless of whether banks sell assets or expand their liabilities, under the central bank's desired exchange rate, they will accumulate significant foreign exchange positions. However, banks won't be willing or able to withstand losses due to a potential depreciation of the US dollar, as they don't possess the same accounting privileges as the central bank. As a result, the central bank will have to intervene.
However, as mentioned earlier, the central bank also lacks sufficient assets to sell. Consequently, the central bank can only expand its liabilities by issuing required reserve deposits. However, if the growth rate of required reserves is higher than the central bank's desired growth rate of the money supply, the reserve requirement ratio will keep increasing. This will result in banks holding a large amount of required reserves instead of foreign exchange on the asset side, and the central bank's balance sheet will expand significantly. This has led to the current situation. It seems that the market has never seriously considered the option of the central bank and commercial banks selling assets to exchange for foreign exchange. However, the Ministry of Finance did make the central bank increase its government bond holdings and reduce foreign exchange holdings during the establishment of the China Investment Corporation in 2007. The total assets remained unchanged. This is the only foreign exchange transaction the central bank has conducted in recent years; the rest have been foreign exchange settlements.
Now let's discuss the concept of secondary foreign exchange settlement.
When the central bank pays foreign exchange reserves, whether it's for purchasing foreign assets, overseas consumption, domestic asset purchases, or domestic consumption, the recipient of foreign exchange reserves, whether abroad or at home, can choose to exchange these reserves for their domestic currency. Therefore, even without gratuitous transfers, secondary foreign exchange settlement can still occur. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange claims that "foreign exchange reserve funds must be invested and used overseas. Gratuitous transfers domestically cannot occur, and we need to strictly prevent secondary foreign exchange settlement." However, the Chinese yuan has an offshore market, and entities abroad receiving foreign exchange reserves can still engage in foreign exchange settlement. With the gradual opening of the capital account, offshore entities can also transfer their received foreign exchange reserves domestically for settlement, or they can repatriate the Chinese yuan obtained from foreign exchange settlement abroad. Thus, secondary foreign exchange settlement can still occur even when foreign exchange reserves are utilized overseas.
The real issue with gratuitous transfers lies in the transfers themselves. The total amount of currency is composed of bank deposit liabilities and central bank currency liabilities, and it is created through foreign exchange settlement and lending. During the process of deleveraging, in terms of the foreign exchange market, the least pressure on the exchange rate comes from loans leading to currency issuance, which is used to repay the loans rather than exchanging for US dollars. Nevertheless, some currency corresponding to foreign exchange still remains. As the commercial banks had previously exchanged with the central bank, the only option left now is to purchase foreign exchange from the central bank or directly make deposit holders holders of required reserves. At first glance, if the central bank transfers its foreign exchange reserves to holders of required reserves, it would accomplish its goal. However, the problem arises with the exchange rate: how should foreign exchange reserves be priced against the Chinese yuan?
This is the issue discussed in "Can Gratuitous Transfer of Foreign Exchange Reserves Collapse the Central Bank's Balance Sheet?" The foreign exchange deposits and required reserves are created simultaneously during central bank foreign exchange settlement. Foreign exchange deposits are the result of injecting Chinese yuan as required reserves. However, foreign exchange reserves not only include the foreign exchange generated by foreign exchange settlement but also include profits and changes in value. As a result, there is currently a pattern where $3.8 trillion in foreign exchange reserves corresponds to ¥27 trillion in foreign exchange deposits. Thus, the holders of required reserves mentioned earlier can exchange their required reserves for US dollars at a rate of 7.1. If foreign exchange reserves are transferred, it means that when the central bank's asset side decreases foreign exchange, there is no corresponding reduction in liabilities. Although the foreign exchange deposits and required reserves remain unchanged on the balance sheet, the foreign exchange reserves have indeed decreased.
Gratuitous transfers of foreign exchange reserves don't eliminate the Chinese yuan. Secondary foreign exchange settlement, on the other hand, creates Chinese yuan at market rates (e.g., 1 US dollar to 6.2 Chinese yuan). Therefore, if the $3.8 trillion in foreign exchange reserves were transferred and secondary foreign exchange settlement generated ¥23.5 trillion, and the central bank once again holds $3.8 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, we would discover that instead of ¥27 trillion in foreign exchange deposits corresponding to the initial foreign exchange reserves, it would be ¥50.5 trillion. At this point, the exchange rate would be 13.3 Chinese yuan to 1 US dollar, significantly weakening the central bank's ability to stabilize the foreign exchange market.
So, the fundamental issue with gratuitous transfers lies not in the source of funds, the balance sheet, or secondary foreign exchange settlement, but in the transfers themselves, which do not reclaim any Chinese yuan or other assets that can be reclaimed for Chinese yuan (such as government bonds). This leads to a future risk that may not be immediate but will eventually occur. Not only gratuitous transfers but also consumption or illiquid investments can create the same issue. While investments may not affect the asset amount on paper, liquidity is reduced. Of course, some might argue that the money supply is already over ¥110 trillion, and if there is a rush to convert to US dollars, the central bank would inevitably struggle, especially since banks can create more Chinese yuan to exchange for the central bank's US dollars. However, I believe that we cannot simply assume that the central bank is unable to handle the situation and that gratuitous transfers of foreign exchange reserves wouldn't matter.
Foreign exchange reserves and gold are characterized by the fact that the domestic central bank cannot arbitrarily expand their quantities. Even if the four major banks were to undergo a comprehensive technical bankruptcy, with the support of the central bank's liquidity, they would never be pushed to insolvency. As long as the central bank increases its holdings of government bonds and increases its liability to the government, the "Chinese yuan deposits" obtained through the issuance of government bonds can always be transferred. However, both foreign exchange and gold lack the ability to be expanded by a domestic central bank's accounting alone. The former requires the approval of foreign central banks, while the latter requires coordination on a global scale. As a result, throughout history, the conclusion to both foreign exchange and gold problems has generally been either currency depreciation or the abandonment of convertibility. The currency swaps among major central banks during the 2008 financial crisis cannot be considered the norm; the true norm was the situation faced by Asian countries in 1998. No country could freely exchange its currency with the Federal Reserve. Instead, they faced demanding conditions and arrogant refusals.