维持人民币汇率基本稳定为什么有希望?Why is there hope to maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate? →
原创 2016-01-12 季天鹤 央行观察
令人惊心动魄的2016年第1周过去了。尽管去年12月CFETS人民币指数出来的时候,市场就已经预期到央行要有所贬值,但其到来之突然,波动之剧烈,以及市场主体在新一年表现出的购汇冲动,则还是出乎很多投资者意料,特别是股票投资者,一方面是不熟悉的人民币汇率波动,一方面是呱呱坠地的熔断机制,再加上救市限售令到期等因素的刺激,心理防线 被冲破,股市两次熔断。
The heart-pounding first week of 2016 has passed. Despite market expectations for a devaluation when CFETS RMB Index was introduced in December of the previous year, the sudden arrival, intense volatility, and the buying impulse demonstrated by market participants in the new year have surprised many investors. Especially for stock investors, unfamiliarity with RMB exchange rate fluctuations and the abrupt circuit breaker mechanism, combined with the stimulus of measures like lifting stock sale restrictions, breached psychological defenses, leading to two stock market circuit breaks.
The foreign exchange market and the stock market are quite distinct. At the macro level, the foreign exchange market revolves around the issue of bank solvency. In currency exchange transactions, foreign currency is the target to be exchanged, while the domestic currency is the tool for exchange. The interbank foreign currency assets and foreign currency deposit liabilities have a fixed reserve ratio under fixed exchange rates, whereas the reserve ratio varies for interbank foreign currency assets and domestic currency liabilities under fluctuating exchange rates. Numerous articles have previously discussed the above viewpoint.
Examining specific numbers, as of the end of November, the foreign assets of banks stood at 4.1 trillion RMB. At the end of 2015, banks held foreign assets of 3.6 trillion, which peaked at 4.65 trillion by the end of August 2015. The shift from 3.6 trillion to 4.65 trillion, and then to 4.1 trillion reflects four issues.
Firstly, banks were aware in advance that the prospect of RMB appreciation had receded, prompting them to actively increase foreign currency holdings rather than selling to the central bank as they did in the past. For instance, in mid-2012, banks' foreign assets reached 3.2 trillion RMB, and then decreased to 2.8 trillion in late 2013, only to rise rapidly in 2014, reaching 3.6 trillion by the year's end. This 800 billion increase was a result of banks' active foreign exchange holdings.
Secondly, the rapid decrease in the aforementioned foreign assets indicates good liquidity for these assets, capable of meeting market demand for foreign exchange. Thirdly, after the August exchange rate reform, the central bank supported banks in terms of foreign exchange. An article titled "What Stories Do the Central Bank's Data in August Tell?" delves into the actions of the central bank at the time, which involved selling foreign exchange settlement, as well as transferring foreign exchange beyond foreign exchange reserves.
Lastly, as direct participants in the foreign exchange market, despite facing pressures from market participants' outward remittances and foreign currency cash withdrawals, the scale of foreign assets held by banks at the end of November 2015 (4.1 trillion) was still significantly larger than at the end of 2014 (3.6 trillion), reflecting banks' capacity to handle outflows. Even remitting 500 billion RMB in foreign exchange would only bring the banks back to the level at the end of 2014. To return to the 2.9 trillion at the end of 2013, a reduction of 700 billion RMB in foreign exchange would be needed.
Simultaneously, we must also consider the situation of the central bank. The central bank's foreign assets are matched against reserve deposits. By the end of November 2015, the central bank's foreign assets amounted to 26 trillion RMB, while reserve deposits stood at 20 trillion. Bank purchases of foreign exchange lead to a reduction in the central bank's foreign assets, while banks' reserve deposits decrease. Although the current foreign assets of the central bank seem greater than its reserve deposits, we should note that foreign assets represent the historical cost of the central bank's history of buying and selling foreign exchange, reflecting many past transactions when the USD to RMB exchange rate was around 1:7 or even 1:8. Furthermore, foreign assets don't solely constitute foreign exchange reserves; the valuation of foreign exchange reserves itself changes. Therefore, the total official reserve assets at the end of November were around 3.5 trillion USD, resulting in a ratio not of 6.6 USD to RMB as the 26 trillion suggests, but rather around 7.4, falling between 7 and 8.
Regarding whether the foreign exchange reserves of 3.33 trillion USD at the end of 2015 were artificially inflated, we can examine this from various angles. Firstly, the central bank's foreign exchange liquidity template is quite clear; the majority of foreign exchange reserves consist of securities. Secondly, looking at the central bank's balance sheet changes over the past decade, it's evident that significant movements related to foreign exchange, such as capital injections into China Investment Corporation and banks, as well as foreign exchange used for depositing renminbi reserve requirements, all lead to the simultaneous reduction of foreign exchange reserves and foreign exchange settlement. Thirdly, recent press conferences by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange have pointed out that using foreign exchange reserves for entrusted loans and other purposes would lead to a decrease in foreign exchange reserves. If there is any suspicion of "padding" in the accounting of foreign exchange reserves, more rigorous analysis and evidence would be needed; currently, we have not seen such evidence.
What is the current state of the foreign exchange market? Although motivations may differ, on the operational level, bank clients are doing several things: remitting foreign exchange overseas, using renminbi deposits to purchase foreign exchange to create foreign currency deposits, exchanging renminbi deposits for foreign currency cash, and potentially engaging in derivative product transactions. Among these, derivative product transactions themselves do not involve changes in the quantity of current foreign currency and renminbi, but they can influence the renminbi exchange rate through certain transactions.
Although buying foreign exchange to create foreign currency deposits could lead to some interbank foreign exchange transactions, doing so without remitting the foreign exchange decreases the foreign exchange reserve requirement ratio for these deposits, without causing the foreign currency assets to leave the bank. Similar to this are some "non-deliverable" foreign exchange purchase products, which do not occupy quotas and changes in the renminbi exchange rate are reflected as increases or decreases in the principal of the renminbi investment. Although such products allow bank clients to profit from renminbi exchange rates and banks require some hedging, they might not exert pressure on banks for foreign exchange outflows, and may not even exert pressure on foreign exchange reserve requirement ratios for foreign currency deposits.
The more critical aspect is remitting foreign exchange and withdrawing cash. The latter has been frequently reported in the news recently, but the pace of these transactions is quite slow. Banks' inability to provide cash also wouldn't be considered a frightening or urgent situation. Clients could be persuaded to purchase foreign exchange to create foreign currency deposits. If successful, banks would not face reduced foreign exchange reserve requirement ratios due to a decrease in the numerator resulting from providing less cash, but rather the denominator of the reserve requirement ratio would increase. If the foreign exchange reserve requirement ratio for bank deposits is 5%, then reducing the numerator by 1% would lower the ratio to 4%, while increasing the denominator by 1% would reduce the ratio to 4.95%, demonstrating a significant difference.
Remitting foreign exchange, on the other hand, would certainly be the central bank's focus. This can be divided into two scenarios. Transactions based on genuine needs could be limited by quotas or actual situations, but arbitrage is different. Looking at the spread between offshore and onshore rates at present, as long as arbitrage opportunities exist, USD will continuously flow overseas. The fundamental solution is to converge the spread between the two markets to a certain extent. While inhibiting the flow of arbitrage funds could alleviate the problem to some extent, it cannot entirely solve it.
If people send 2 trillion USD abroad, the central bank's foreign exchange reserves would decrease by 2 trillion USD. If the renminbi remains at a level of 7, approximately 14 trillion RMB would disappear. This might be difficult for stock investors to understand since in the stock market, buyers pay sellers, and money simply changes hands without disappearing. However, in the foreign exchange market, bank sales of foreign exchange lead to the disappearance of renminbi deposits, and foreign payments result in the synchronous disappearance of foreign exchange assets and foreign currency deposit liabilities.
14 trillion RMB amounts to 10% of the money supply, with household demand deposits at 19 trillion RMB and non-financial corporate demand deposits at 16 trillion RMB during the same period. If the market becomes frenzied and 14 trillion RMB is exchanged for USD, it means nearly halving the savings of individuals and corporations in demand deposits. People might be persuaded to purchase foreign exchange to create foreign currency deposits, which wouldn't be deemed as a very terrifying or urgent situation. If persuasion succeeds and individuals buy foreign exchange to create foreign currency deposits, the challenges for banks would be more about an increased denominator of foreign exchange reserve requirement ratios rather than a decreased numerator due to cash withdrawals. If the foreign exchange reserve requirement ratio for banks is 5%, then a decrease of 1% in the numerator would lower the ratio to 4%, while an increase of 1% in the denominator would still maintain a ratio of 4.95%, showing a significant impact.
Regarding banks, the disappearance of 14 trillion RMB in renminbi deposits and its conversion into foreign exchange remittance would mean a decrease of 14 trillion RMB in banks' reserve deposits with the central bank. This translates to simultaneous decreases in both liabilities and assets on banks' balance sheets. Considering the meager reserve rate of 1.62%, which is lower than even the return on Yu'EBao, banks would likely be eager to shed low-yield reserve assets and high-cost renminbi deposit assets, potentially boosting their profit margins.
If the renminbi is maintained at a reasonably balanced level and is essentially stable, a series of consequences would follow. The central bank's foreign exchange reserves would decrease, while bank foreign assets would increase, albeit offset to some extent by the foreign exchange remittance. Many bank clients would purchase and remit foreign exchange, but most individuals would simply exchange renminbi for USD and keep the funds in the bank. The shift in foreign exchange reserve requirement ratios, driven by the central bank's support, would be countered by market participants' foreign exchange purchases, with the reserve ratio being smaller than 1. Nevertheless, assuming a 10% reserve requirement ratio, the central bank's support of 100 billion USD could handle 1 trillion USD in purchases without remittance, maintaining the reserve requirement ratio unchanged.
In situations where foreign exchange outflows are relatively stable or have limited impact, the foreign currency assets on the asset side of banks would be lower than the foreign exchange deposits on the liability side. During renminbi depreciation, this asset-liability gap could result in banks incurring foreign exchange translation losses in terms of their base currency. Of course, such losses could be somewhat offset by low foreign currency deposit rates and higher returns on domestic assets. If onshore banks continue orderly trading under the guidance of the central bank's mid-point rate and avoid panic, and if the central bank slightly devalues the mid-point rate against the USD and effectively alleviates cross-border arbitrage pressures, then under the aforementioned circumstances, the valuation loss for banks would be limited, the reduction in the numerator of the foreign exchange reserve requirement ratio would transform into an increase in the denominator, and the central bank could buy more time in managing foreign exchange remittances.
It is quite hopeful to maintain the renminbi at a reasonably balanced level and essentially stable. However, price stability might come at the cost of quantity changes. In comparison to the boundless balance sheet expansion during the period of renminbi appreciation, the contraction during the devaluation period has its lower limit, and the market will pay close attention to this. Nonetheless, a scale of 3 trillion USD is incredibly substantial, and massive foreign exchange purchases could bring foundational changes to the financial system. The decrease in the renminbi money supply will be reflected in interest rates and the real economy, prompting people to consider whether to sacrifice returns on renminbi-denominated debt, equity, and even physical investments for a slight yield in exchange rates.
At this juncture, an unexpected question arises: Should the central bank continue to maintain the target of 13% money supply growth in the context of declining renminbi money supply due to exchange rate fluctuations? Should the central bank create more renminbi through bank credit to encourage people to sell? Let's eagerly anticipate the answer from the People's Bank of China two months from now.