新年新气象:黑云压城,熔断为兆/New Year, New Outlook: Dark Clouds Over the City, Trading Halt as a Sign →
原创 2016-01-05 季天鹤 央行观察
债券市场休市了,外汇市场并没有休市。自2016年1月4日起,在岸外汇市场交易时间延长到晚上23点30分。在岸人民币尽管开盘贬值,但白天价格稳定,而从下午4点开始,在岸人民币开始迅速的走贬,从6.51 一路冲破6.53。考虑到欧元英镑等币种兑美元均有上行,可以说这一波人民币的贬值肯定不能归因于美元突然走强,而应该说就是人民币市场自身的原因。考虑到人民币贬值预期和购汇操作一直在进行,因此人民币贬值压力突然释放,自然就代表了央行对于这个问题的新看法。
The beginning of 2016 was shrouded in the shadow of the Fed's liquidity tightening. On December 31, 2015, the Fed conducted a $474.591 billion overnight reverse repurchase agreement with U.S. Treasury bonds as collateral, maturing on January 4 with a term of 4 calendar days/1 trading day. This was not the first reverse repurchase operation by the Fed, but it was one of the largest in recent times. The Fed's reverse repurchase, like the People's Bank of China's repurchase, aims to reduce the deposit balance of deposit-taking institutions at the central bank.
The scale of $474.5 billion is indeed substantial, as the deposit balance of deposit-taking institutions at the Fed is only $25,000. If the same proportion were applied to China, it would be equivalent to the People's Bank of China conducting a $4 trillion repurchase, which would certainly shock the entire market. However, it's worth noting that the People's Bank of China had more powerful tools than the Fed a decade ago, in the form of central bank bills. The size of central bank bills, which used to make up more than 80% of the deposit balance of deposit-taking institutions at the central bank, was even more potent than the Fed's reverse repurchase.
However, due to the fact that the Chinese market was in the New Year holiday period, the Fed's actions could not immediately impact the Chinese financial market. The various news and data released during the New Year period were overall neutral. Although the PMI from the National Bureau of Statistics was not particularly positive, it wasn't particularly negative either, with some positive factors even present. From the central bank's side, weekly operations such as visiting the China Foreign Exchange Trade System were carried out as usual, and the New Year address still emphasized the need to maintain "reasonable and ample" liquidity. In contrast, the Ministry of Finance released the issuance plan for the first quarter of 2016 government bonds on December 31, indicating increased frequency compared to 2015.
The above-mentioned situations cast a shadow over the bond market's trends. The bond market experienced a small bull market in late December 2015. Despite the calls and speculation for a reserve requirement ratio cut, which met with a cold reality of no cut, government bond futures broke out of a sideways pattern that lasted for several weeks on December 18. The main contract hit a new high in the last week of the year. However, with the impact of news during the New Year holiday, government bond futures quickly fell within the first 15 minutes of opening, and yields of various bond types rose significantly.
In the foreign exchange market, instability in the offshore market had already begun on December 29. Although the central bank seemed to intervene on December 30 and 31 (reports differ on this point), it did not stop the momentum of the yuan's depreciation. Since the personal annual foreign exchange quota would be reset on January 1, many individuals rushed to use up their quotas before the year-end, allowing them to continue purchasing foreign exchange after the reset. Such concentrated operations undoubtedly put downward pressure on the yuan.
Compared to the foreign exchange and bond markets, the stock market's opening was relatively stable. Government bond futures opened at 9:15 a.m., and the central parity rate of the yuan was also published, both ahead of the stock market's opening at 9:30 a.m. By the time the stock market started trading, government bond futures had already fallen to their daily low, the offshore yuan had dropped 300 points from the central parity rate, but the stock market did not experience a sharp decline at the opening. Instead, the Caixin PMI dealt the market a fatal blow, and concerns about circuit breakers triggered a rush to sell, ultimately leading to the activation of the circuit breaker mechanism.
The stock market circuit breaker was triggered, but the bond market's circuit breaker was not. The weighted average interest rate of interbank overnight repurchase noticeably decreased from the end of the previous year, while the exchange market depicted a different scene: overnight reverse repurchase rates surged, hitting a new high in intraday trading and with record trading volumes in the last three months. Interestingly, after the stock market circuit breaker was triggered, the overnight reverse repurchase rates on the exchange market decreased, and trading volumes expanded, reflecting that the funds flowing out of the stock market satisfied the demand for financing.
In contrast, the interbank bond market mainly experienced declines, with actively traded bonds like the 150205, 150210, and 150218 national development bank bonds showing rising yields. Although government bond futures closed lower after a fall, they slowly rebounded after a sharp drop in the first 15 minutes of trading, narrowing the decline. Apart from government bond futures, the most heavily traded bond, 010107, also exhibited a pattern of initial decline followed by support throughout the day. This perhaps indicates that the situation throughout the day was not a liquidity crisis but more of an adjustment in expectations and risk appetite. Otherwise, the rebound in the bond market and government bond futures would be difficult to explain.
While the bond market closed, the foreign exchange market did not. Starting from January 4, 2016, trading hours for the onshore foreign exchange market were extended to 11:30 p.m. Although the onshore yuan depreciated at the opening, the price remained stable during the day. However, from 4 p.m. onward, the onshore yuan quickly depreciated, breaking through 6.53 after starting at 6.51. Given that the euro, pound sterling, and other currencies had all appreciated against the U.S. dollar, this wave of yuan depreciation couldn't be attributed solely to a sudden strengthening of the dollar but rather to factors within the yuan market itself. Considering the continuous expectations of yuan depreciation and ongoing purchase of foreign exchange, the sudden release of yuan depreciation pressure naturally represented a new perspective from the central bank on this issue.
Why did the central bank seem to be maintaining exchange rate stability last week and then suddenly let go after the New Year? Firstly, the foreign exchange market in 2015 can be viewed in three parts: the intertwining of yuan depreciation and central bank interventions in the first quarter, super-stable exchange rates in the second quarter, and the release of yuan volatility after the exchange rate reform in the third quarter. In 2016, volatility started from the beginning after the exchange rate reform, and people had already grown accustomed to 100-point fluctuations in the last few months of 2015. A 300-point/0.5% fluctuation would soon be accepted, indicating that the central bank aimed to cultivate this market condition.
Secondly, in the coming year of 2016, the trends of other currencies will not be smooth, nor will they be isolated from the People's Bank of China. We remember that the Fed was influenced by the People's Bank of China's exchange rate reform in September of the previous year, delaying an interest rate hike. Additionally, the depreciation pressure on the yuan decreased due to the combination of the Fed's delay in raising rates and weak non-farm payroll data released in early October. Moreover, if we shift our focus to a basket of currencies, the importance of the yuan's exchange rate against the U.S. dollar will decrease further as it is influenced not only by the dollar's trend but also by other currency movements.
More importantly, is the central bank implementing a new combination of measures? The central bank's "reasonable and ample" in the New Year's message, as well as authoritative figures in People's Daily advocating "absolutely not to easily release liquidity," all point to the possibility that government bond yields in 2016 may not further decrease. The possible situation is an expansion of credit and financing scale, reducing the cost of financing by reducing intermediate steps in financing and clearing credit resources occupied by zombie companies, rather than lowering the overall interest rate level. In other words, projects that can afford interest should proceed, while those unable to afford even interest should be discontinued, preventing zombie companies from struggling on with low interest rates.
In this context, a somewhat relaxed external environment for exchange rates is necessary to create room for the aforementioned interest rate policy, easing pressure on export sectors and maintaining pressure on zombie companies. This aligns with the authoritative figures in People's Daily advocating the decisive handling of zombie companies and allowing them to exit the market. Meanwhile, considering that 2016 is the first year after the marketization of interest rates, volatility in the money market and bond market may increase. In this situation, the central bank's relaxation in the foreign exchange market is a loosening of policy constraints.
Theoretically, the central bank's perspective is that China's desired interest rate level will not be very low, or it has already reached a level that the central bank considers appropriate. Although China's physical investment return rate has not been high in the past, it is still higher than other countries undergoing quantitative easing. Extremely low interest rates encourage people to increase leverage or seek risk due to dissatisfaction with return rates, which is naturally unfavorable for financial stability.
2016 will undoubtedly be a very unusual year. Circuit breakers, registration systems, bond market linkages, delayed foreign exchange markets, and opening up all allowed China's financial market to present a new outlook on January 1. Although it was unexpected that on this day, the stock market triggered a circuit breaker, interbank exchange market bonds all declined, and the offshore yuan hit a new low during the night trading session, this also indicates that China's financial market will experience more changes and developments in 2016. After the dark clouds, the sun will rise again.