人民币汇率分析的基本问题-外汇、外汇存款、外汇储备/Basic Issues in RMB Exchange Rate Analysis - Foreign Exchange, Foreign Exchange Deposits, Foreign Exchange Reserves
原创 2016-01-24 季天鹤 央行观察
For a long time, China has paid more attention to the stock market and commodity market, while the entire fixed-income market, including the money market, bond market, and foreign exchange market, remains relatively unfamiliar. Aside from the subjective lack of familiarity, there is an objective difference in the market structure of the money market, bond market, and foreign exchange market compared to the stock and commodity markets. This article attempts to outline the fundamental framework of analyzing the foreign exchange market based on the basic issues in RMB exchange rate analysis.
Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Black Market
Market participants often have direct experience with the stock market. Potential buyers of stocks turn their bank deposits into margin deposits after transferring funds from their bank accounts to brokerage accounts. On the other hand, potential sellers of stocks hold shares of companies that were created by the companies themselves, whether through IPOs, rights issues, or other means of share issuance. Stock market transactions involve buyers and sellers quoting prices and conducting trades at different prices. During these transactions, the money of stock buyers decreases while their stocks increase, and the money of stock sellers increases while their stocks decrease. Any difference in money exchanged represents taxes and fees, but the quantity of stocks remains unchanged. In the foreign exchange market, whether dealing with foreign currency or domestic currency, it involves currencies and raises many currency-related issues, especially in terms of currency definition. Similar to the stock market, the foreign exchange market may resemble a foreign exchange black market. Some individuals have Chinese yuan (CNY) banknotes and wish to exchange them for US dollars (USD) banknotes, while others have USD banknotes and are willing to accept CNY banknotes. In this trade, the holder of CNY banknotes ends up with fewer CNY and more USD banknotes, while the holder of USD banknotes ends up with fewer USD and more CNY banknotes. Perhaps the USD seller even needs to set aside some money to cover potential fines, making it even more akin to the stock market.
However, just as paper currency is no longer the primary form of currency, the black market-style trade described above is not the main form of the foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange market transactions are inevitably deposits denominated in one currency being exchanged for deposits denominated in another currency. Depositors may convert CNY deposits into USD deposits, and Chinese banks may convert their CNY positions into foreign currency positions. Large-scale paper currency transactions are no longer prevalent. Yet, because it involves currency, we must consider the relationship between currency circulation and currency creation.
Let's consider the black market-type transactions between the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and the Federal Reserve. Representatives from the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation and the Federal Reserve's coinage factory meet at sea, each carrying numerous boxes of banknotes. After agreeing on a price, a significant number of banknote boxes change hands. This process is similar to the black market transaction mentioned earlier, except for its larger scale and the absence of fines. However, upon closer examination, we must realize that both CNY banknotes and USD banknotes, whether held by the PBOC or the Federal Reserve, are liabilities of these central banks and can be created. However, for retail participants in the black market exchange of CNY and USD, these banknotes are assets, not something they can create at will.
The difference between creating liabilities and exchanging assets lies in the impact on the balance sheets of both sides of the transaction. In the case of retail foreign exchange black market transactions, the balance sheet size remains unchanged before and after the trade. The holder of CNY loses some CNY and gains some USD, while the holder of USD loses some USD and gains some CNY. The size of the balance sheets of both parties remains unchanged before and after the trade. However, the black market-style transactions between central banks, such as the PBOC and the Federal Reserve, lead to an expansion of both parties' balance sheets. On the liability side of the PBOC's balance sheet, the circulation of currency, specifically CNY banknotes, increases, while the asset side gains foreign assets, specifically USD banknotes. On the liability side of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, the circulation of currency, specifically USD banknotes, increases, while the asset side gains foreign assets, specifically CNY banknotes.
In the aforementioned black market-type transactions between central banks, they correspond to currency swaps in reality. If the Federal Reserve and the PBOC engage in a currency swap, the asset side of the PBOC gains USD deposits at the Federal Reserve, and the liability side of the PBOC gains deposits at the Federal Reserve. Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve gains CNY deposits at the PBOC, and its liability side gains deposits at the PBOC. With both central banks having foreign currency assets on their balance sheets, they can perform various actions using these foreign currencies. If not for currency swaps, but rather creating and trading currencies, the liability side of both central banks' balance sheets would permanently expand due to currency creation, unlike swaps where they would contract upon maturity.
What would be the corresponding situation in the stock market for such foreign exchange black market-type transactions? We can consider the story of banks trading stocks. Banks continuously create deposits, but by purchasing company stocks through IPOs, their asset side gains stocks, while their liability side gains deposits. Similarly, the company's asset side gains deposits from the IPO and its owner's equity side gains stocks. The stock price during an IPO is analogous to the exchange rate in the black market-type foreign exchange transactions between central banks. If a company issues corporate bonds instead of stocks during an IPO, the bank's purchase of bonds becomes more similar to foreign exchange black market-type transactions between central banks, both leading to an expansion of assets and liabilities without affecting owner's equity. Of course, Chinese banks cannot directly purchase stocks, and companies cannot frequently issue new shares or conduct buybacks. These differences make these processes quite unfamiliar in the market, making it difficult for people to understand the foreign exchange market based on their experience with the stock market.
Additionally, apart from the purely currency circulation/trading without currency creation/unchanged balance sheet size transactions in retail foreign exchange black markets and the purely currency creation/expanded balance sheet size transactions between central banks, there are transactions where one side expands its balance sheet while the other side does not. For instance, the PBOC issuing new CNY banknotes to Citibank in exchange for USD banknotes held by Citibank. As a result, the PBOC's asset side expands, while Citibank's balance sheet remains unchanged, only changing the composition of its assets.
Moreover, all the transactions mentioned above have one common characteristic: both sides of the transaction experience changes in their assets. In the black market transactions, both parties increase their holdings of the other currency before and after the trade. Similarly, in the transactions between central banks, the PBOC holds USD after the trade, and the Federal Reserve holds CNY. Only when assets change hands can a transaction be considered a trade. However, as we will see later, this kind of buy/sell transaction, often seen as foreign exchange trading and different from strict foreign exchange trading, has essential distinctions.
In conclusion, we see that the first key point in foreign exchange market analysis is the creation of domestic and foreign currencies, leading to the expansion of asset and liability balances. This is the first aspect to consider when analyzing broad foreign exchange issues.
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Currency Deposits
Deposits are a unique form of debt that differs from certificates of deposit, bonds, interbank borrowing, and other instruments. Let's start by considering interbank borrowing. Interbank borrowing lacks a secondary market; it follows a pattern of maturity payment, and repurchase agreements simply add collateral with the possibility of being utilized or not. However, the claim holders on the financing side in these cases cannot circulate their claims. In contrast, certificates of deposit and bonds have secondary markets, with varying degrees of liquidity from good to poor. Bonds with poor liquidity and interbank certificates of deposit are similar to interbank borrowing, presenting multiple levels of liquidity from good to poor, rather than being strictly black or white.
Deposits have many differences from the aforementioned debt instruments, which people might not consider in everyday situations. Deposits, especially demand deposits, allow for the withdrawal of paper currency and coins. This feature also exists for bondholders, but only at maturity. However, deposits possess two functions that bonds lack. One is transfers. When a depositor initiates a transfer, such as from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank must act, and the claim holders of Industrial and Commercial Bank's debt become China Construction Bank's claim holders.
Industrial and Commercial Bank and China Construction Bank also need to settle; either certain assets move along or new interbank debt and claims are created. It's hard to imagine the holder of Industrial and Commercial Bank bonds telling the bank one day that they want to switch to being claim holders of China Construction Bank instead. Both banks would likely reject this request. However, the aforementioned function of deposits might be related to the unconditional redemption of banknotes during the paper currency era. If the bank declines a transfer, the depositor would undoubtedly demand redemption of banknotes and then deposit them into China Construction Bank.
The other function is related to foreign exchange settlements. A depositor holding Renminbi (RMB) deposits can go to the bank and say they want to convert their RMB deposits into USD deposits. The bank will comply, transforming the RMB deposit holder into a USD deposit holder. This is inconceivable for bondholders. A holder of an Industrial and Commercial Bank RMB bond cannot simply tell the bank that they want to become a holder of USD bonds from the bank, let alone abandon the Industrial and Commercial Bank USD bonds they hold to acquire China Construction Bank USD bonds.
Of course, the "impossibility" in the bond market can evolve into possibility with technological advancements, as long as a pricing agreement is reached between Industrial and Commercial Bank and China Construction Bank. However, this existing distinction is already reflected in the prices. A bond that can be redeemed at any time and a bond that must reach maturity for redemption certainly have different interest rates. The interest rate bondholders receive comes at the cost of giving up certain rights; it cannot simultaneously provide immediate redemption and high interest rates. China Construction Bank might be willing to propose a massive debt transfer scheme to Industrial and Commercial Bank, but currently, it's undoubtedly costly, making it infeasible.
Perhaps this is the third characteristic of deposits. Under the operations of fund transfers and foreign exchange settlements, all banks have reached a tacit agreement on technology and pricing. Transfers are automatic and equivalent; however much a depositor transfers, that's how much interbank transfers occur. In foreign exchange settlements, pricing is involved, and different banks might have different prices. USD deposits in China have yet to achieve a tacit agreement on technology and pricing; they cannot be transferred freely. It's even more unrealistic to think about arbitrary exchanges between bonds.
So, the next step is to consider what exactly bank foreign currency deposits are. One question is why China needs foreign USD loans. If Industrial and Commercial Bank's USD deposits can be created by issuing their own USD loans, and their RMB deposits can be freely created through foreign exchange settlements, then China could create USD on its own, without needing foreign exchange reserves from the central bank.
The very question raised above indicates that bank foreign currency deposits and the previously mentioned foreign USD loans have fundamental differences. Industrial and Commercial Bank's USD deposits as bank liabilities and the relationship between Industrial and Commercial Bank's assets in the form of USD banknotes are completely identical to the relationship between Industrial and Commercial Bank's RMB deposits as bank liabilities and their assets in the form of RMB banknotes. The value of USD deposits lies in their convertibility into USD banknotes, just as the value of RMB deposits lies in their convertibility into RMB banknotes.
There's a ratio between USD deposits and USD banknotes, just as there is between RMB deposits and RMB banknotes. However, in the modern context, this ratio doesn't exist between banknotes and deposits but rather between deposits themselves. The ratio for RMB is the required reserve ratio, defined as the bank's reserves at the central bank divided by deposits at the bank. Similarly, the ratio for foreign currency is a required reserve ratio, where a bank's foreign currency deposits at another bank are divided by the bank's foreign currency deposits. There might be another layer added on top, such as the central bank.
So, after Industrial and Commercial Bank creates many USD deposits, what problems could arise? First, there aren't apparent issues if the transfers are all within the same bank. Secondly, if cross-bank transfers occur and the receiving bank is content being a claim holder of Industrial and Commercial Bank, i.e., even though I initiate a cross-border transfer to my friend's bank in the US, their bank is content holding claims from Industrial and Commercial Bank, then the transfer will succeed.
However, in most cases, the receiving bank for my friend in the US won't be content just being a claim holder of Industrial and Commercial Bank. After I initiate a cross-border transfer, Industrial and Commercial Bank must provide something to my friend's bank to complete the transaction. And if Industrial and Commercial Bank's assets are mainly buildings and liabilities are mainly USD deposits, after I initiate a transfer, Industrial and Commercial Bank has nothing to offer to my friend's bank except buildings. If the US bank has the right to refuse buildings, then Industrial and Commercial Bank is in trouble, unable to fulfill the transfer request. And if I'm not requesting a transfer but rather withdrawing USD cash, and Industrial and Commercial Bank's assets are predominantly buildings, they can't fulfill my request either. Industrial and Commercial Bank is cornered, waiting for bankruptcy, as they can't meet the demand for withdrawals from claim holders.
In general, when I initiate a USD remittance, what operations does the bank undertake? This question is crucial but rarely considered. Generally, Industrial and Commercial Bank will have an account with a foreign correspondent bank, and during my transfer, this correspondent bank's account will change, the amount will decrease, and the receiving bank's assets will increase. This process can be quite complex, possibly involving transactions among US banks or even transactions involving central banks. In the current mainstream business (compared to cash withdrawals), all operations involve the formation, circulation, and elimination of some form of debt and claim, which is something to note when considering foreign exchange issues.
Foreign exchange operations can involve complex transactions. For example, an offshore bank depositor purchasing RMB government bonds issued by the Chinese government. Initially, the offshore RMB deposits of the bank decrease, and the central bank's liabilities increase due to government deposits. However, the central bank's assets and liabilities remain balanced. Which part decreases? The answer is the bank's deposits at the central bank. Since offshore banks don't have deposit accounts with the central bank, the decrease couldn't be in their deposits at the central bank. So, the reduction is in the deposits the onshore bank holds with the central bank. This reduction also affects the onshore bank's assets and liabilities. After this complex web of transactions, everything is balanced.
From the perspective of foreign exchange reserves, multiple possibilities exist. Can foreign exchange reserves directly correspond to liabilities at the Federal Reserve? If not, they must correspond to foreign bank liabilities, or perhaps even liabilities of a Chinese bank, with a cascade-like structure, eventually reaching the Federal Reserve. This chain could be quite lengthy.
If we carefully consider the structure of RMB and foreign exchange within China, we can envision the following scenario. Foreign currency originates from transfers and the deposit of foreign banknotes. When foreign banknotes are deposited, the bank adds foreign banknotes as assets and simultaneously increases foreign currency deposits. In transfers, the bank increases foreign claims and foreign currency deposits. Notice that both cross-border receipts and foreign currency deposits are essentially the same – banks are increasing foreign assets and creating foreign debt on the domestic side. This, however, is not yet about RMB.
The so-called issuance of RMB by the central bank in exchange for foreign exchange, or the issuance of RMB by banks in exchange for foreign exchange, comes later. As a result, this discussion focuses on bank foreign exchange deposits and the issuance of RMB. The argument that "empty-handedly" receiving reserves from the central bank and "easily" creating RMB is flawed. Although it seems like the central bank hasn't done anything, it has obtained foreign exchange reserves, and RMB has been effortlessly created. However, foreign exchange is seen as "earned," while RMB is seen as "created," indicating that the former requires blood and sweat while the latter doesn't.
Clearly, those who raise the question of whether the acquisition of foreign exchange reserves involves "blood and sweat" have likely never considered the operations in bank transfers, whether banks acquiring foreign assets are "robbing" people's hard-earned money. They might not realize that banks also bear the responsibility of future redemption for what they create now. And while banks are seemingly creating something out of thin air, they also need to account for its eventual disappearance – focusing only on creation and ignoring the subsequent vanishing.
If we say that when banks receive foreign exchange transfers, they exchange the created foreign currency deposits for foreign assets, then when depositors withdraw, can we say that they destroy the created foreign currency deposits out of thin air and take away the bank's foreign assets? Moreover, we should note that the discussion has focused on foreign exchange transfers and deposits; RMB hasn't entered the equation yet. The central bank's issuance of RMB in exchange for foreign exchange and banks' issuance of RMB in exchange for foreign exchange are later stories. The people who argue about the central bank "extracting" blood and sweat and getting foreign exchange reserves have likely not considered that banks exchange foreign exchange deposits for foreign assets in transfers. However, banks engage in various operations of this sort, such as RMB banknote deposits. Why do banks take away my banknotes without doing anything?
Foreign exchange operations are not black market forex trading; they involve a different set of operations. Many people treat converting RMB deposits to USD banknotes and vice versa as forex purchases or bank forex sales, and converting USD deposits to RMB banknotes and vice versa as forex sales or bank forex purchases. However, these actions combine two operations: foreign exchange settlements and withdrawals. If I use USD banknotes to exchange for RMB at the bank, it can be viewed as two institutions directly trading, akin to the black market trade example mentioned earlier, or it can be seen as a series of operations involving depositing, settling, and withdrawing USD banknotes.
The brilliance of foreign exchange settlements lies in having depositors and bank liabilities leap between the RMB reserve system and the foreign currency reserve system. Consider the following scenario. A bank holds 100 million USD banknotes and 700 million RMB banknotes, with liabilities comprising 100 million USD deposits and 700 million RMB deposits. The bank's assets and liabilities seem balanced, but if a depositor initiates a USD settlement, the bank would have 1.4 billion RMB deposits. If all RMB depositors demand withdrawals, the bank cannot fulfill the requests. Conversely, if 700 million RMB depositors buy USD, the bank's liabilities would become 200 million USD deposits, and if depositors initiate USD withdrawals, the bank wouldn't be able to meet the demand.
And even if we consider bank lending, where the bank operates with partial reserve ratios (such as 1:7), for instance, 100 million USD banknotes, 700 million RMB banknotes, 100 million USD loans, and 700 million RMB loans as assets, corresponding to 200 million USD deposits and 1.4 billion RMB deposits, even if the reserve system doesn't leap back and forth due to forex settlements, RMB depositors and USD depositors could cause the bank to fail. In the case of transfers, the bank would also be unable to handle them.
Foreign Exchange Reserves and Foreign Exchange Reserve Ratio
Once we understand the situation of banks, we can quickly examine the situation of the central bank. Banks hold both RMB reserve deposits and foreign currency deposits with the central bank. On the asset side of the central bank, there won't be RMB deposits; instead, there are loans, physical gold, fixed assets, and foreign exchange reserves. The RMB reserve ratio of the central bank is, of course, 0, while the foreign currency reserve ratio is several times or even dozens of times, as the central bank's foreign exchange assets amount to 3.3 trillion US dollars, but its liabilities side might not be significant since the foreign currency deposits of domestic banks are only a few hundred billion US dollars. This brings up a classic question posed by Sun Guofeng, a question that every fixed income researcher must answer, which is whether there is an upper limit to the reserve ratio. The answer is no.
It's important to note that a chain is formed from the central bank's foreign exchange reserves to banks' foreign currency deposits: central bank deposits with overseas banks – banks' foreign currency deposits with the central bank – depositors' foreign currency deposits with banks. Once a depositor initiates a foreign exchange transfer, both the central bank's deposits with overseas banks and banks' foreign currency deposits with the central bank and depositors' foreign currency deposits with banks will all decrease simultaneously. Considering that banks can conduct foreign exchange transactions with the central bank, banks' RMB reserve deposits with the central bank can also be transformed into foreign currency deposits, entering the foreign exchange reserve system on the asset and liability sides of the central bank and reducing the foreign exchange reserve ratio. Additionally, the 130 trillion RMB in bank liabilities in the form of deposits can be converted into a large amount of foreign currency deposits at any time, thus lowering the bank's foreign exchange reserve ratio.
Finally, what we see is a scene where the central bank's foreign exchange reserves are indirectly connected to all deposits on the liability side of the bank. This proportion is 3.3 trillion US dollars to 130 trillion RMB, which is a ratio of 1 to 40. But in specific transfers, depositors first transfer the bank's foreign exchange assets and simultaneously decrease their own foreign currency deposits. The bank then contacts the central bank based on need, or the central bank intervenes as needed. The operations between banks and the central bank are also foreign exchange transactions, where the bank's RMB reserve deposits with the central bank are converted into foreign currency deposits, or vice versa. The above discussion clearly reveals that when observing the foreign exchange market from a macro perspective, it is full of operations such as reserve requirements, redemption, withdrawals, transfers, and foreign exchange transactions. Although it appears to be a buy-sell relationship on the surface, it fundamentally differs from trading in the stock market.
A low foreign exchange reserve ratio implies an increased risk of withdrawals, and once the market develops this expectation, withdrawals will occur, and the financial institutions facing withdrawals will indeed face the risk of collapse. There are two methods for banks to avoid withdrawals: expanding the numerator or reducing the denominator. For banks, if depositors request to remit a large amount of US dollars, the bank can obtain US dollars from the central bank or take the approach of recalling US dollar loans. The latter method might increase the numerator (interbank loans) or directly reduce the denominator (non-interbank loans). However, due to the pre-determined term of loans, it's not certain that recalling loans can be achieved. Therefore, in China, seeking help from the central bank is a relatively simple approach.
If we consider the offshore market, we will see differences in seeking help from the central bank onshore and offshore. A typical example of seeking help from the central bank onshore is the large-scale Standing Lending Facility (SLO) conducted by the central bank at the end of August. This implies that if not done, banks' excess RMB reserve deposits with the central bank will largely transform into foreign currency, leading to an interbank RMB liquidity crisis. However, offshore, since the offshore central bank is essentially an onshore bank, when the onshore central bank intervenes, not only will offshore banks experience a decrease in RMB deposits, but onshore banks' RMB deposits with the central bank will also decrease. Unless the central bank opens an account on the liability side of the onshore bank and holds the RMB deposits sold by offshore banks. Holding deposit claims, reverse repurchase claims, or holding deposits on the liability side of the central bank have the same effect on assets and liabilities, especially in terms of the onshore bank's deposits with the central bank; there is no difference.
Although the central bank can exert influence offshore, it's still separated by banks. It's like the central bank acting on the central bank-bank relationship and the bank-depositor relationship outside of the central bank. If the central bank spends a large amount of foreign exchange, it will be easily offset by banks' issuance of RMB loans, so the People's Bank of China is currently paying close attention to constraining the "last lender" function of onshore banks offshore. Of course, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) might have limited influence, but they can coordinate as well. The aforementioned reserve mechanism is the basis for the recent high interest rates in Hong Kong. Debts remain, but the money is gone. If you don't want to sell assets, you have to borrow money again to repay.
The central bank's Document No. 11 has introduced a new method, which is to let the clearing banks and participating banks offshore freeze a portion of their deposits onshore. This is equivalent to determining a statutory reserve-to-excess reserve ratio without knowing the reserve ratio. In the future, the central bank can increase this ratio, effectively compressing the available excess reserves and influencing the expansion of offshore liquidity. This system, due to the fact that the central bank is not the creditor of offshore banks, cannot constrain the behavior of offshore banks through means such as recalling debt. Instead, it can only freeze reserves.
The above framework represents the most foundational structure of RMB exchange rate analysis. The development of the real economy and the level of interest rates and exchange rates all ultimately go through the buying, creating, and disappearing of RMB and foreign exchange. Understanding where funds come from and where they go, how they are created and how they disappear, combines macro analysis factors such as trade, investment, interest rates, etc., and also integrates trading strategies such as risk, price fluctuations, arbitrage, etc. This is the convergence and combination of fundamental analysis and technical analysis, real economy, and trading strategies.
The expansion and contraction of the reserve ratio is the fundamental reason for the cliff-like drop in the market, and to identify these hidden reserve ratios, it's necessary to first analyze who the reserves are, who the reserves need to respond to redemption, that is, the numerator and the denominator. Without considering the aforementioned issues, it's like a person having bones and muscles, looking complete and sturdy, but because there are no joints, they are completely unable to move.