调统司处理回购的双重计算带来哪些启示?What Insights Can be Gained from the Dual Calculation of Repurchase Transactions Handled by the Statistics and Research Department?
2015-05-04 季天鹤 央行观察
The People's Bank of China's (PBOC) Statistics and Research Department specifically discusses repurchase transactions of non-equity securities in the article "Statistical Classification Framework and Design of Financial Instruments." The cash borrower in a repurchase transaction is required to buy back the security in the future, thus bearing the risk and return of the security. Repurchase transactions are essentially collateralized loans. When the cash lender sells the security acquired through the repurchase agreement to a third party, the cash borrower, due to the constraints of the repurchase agreement, continues to record the security asset on its asset side. Similarly, the third party that directly purchases the security records the ownership of the security, leading to a dual recording issue. To eliminate this error, the cash lender in the repurchase agreement should record a negative security position upon reselling the security. This reflects the economic reality of the cash lender "shorting" the security and overcomes the issue of dual calculation.
From the perspective of assets and liabilities, the cash lender decreases cash and increases debt assets, while the cash borrower increases cash and increases debt liabilities. As securities are not involved, the asset side of the cash borrower retains the security. After selling to a third party, the third party's asset side increases with the security, while the asset side of the cash borrower in the repurchase agreement still reflects the security asset due to the initial constraints of the repurchase agreement, resulting in dual recording. In addition, when the cash lender sells the security and subsequently acquires another asset or decreases its own liabilities, the cash lender inadvertently increases owner's equity because the asset decrease due to the sale of the security isn't recorded, offsetting the increase from acquiring the other asset. Therefore, the negative security position managed by the Statistics and Research Department can keep the cash lender's owner's equity unchanged.
Why does cash borrowing generate "debt assets" on the asset side of the cash lender while generating "cash" on the asset side of the cash borrower, whereas borrowing securities doesn't create "security debt" on the asset side of the securities lender or "securities" on the asset side of the securities borrower? If operated in this manner, after the repurchase, the cash lender, which borrowed cash, decreases cash and increases "cash debt" assets. Simultaneously, the asset side of the cash borrower, which is also the securities lender, increases with the security while its liability side increases with "security debt." The cash borrower increases cash and increases "cash debt," while the asset side of the securities borrower, which is also the cash lender, decreases with the security and increases with "security debt." After selling securities to a third party, the asset side of the cash lender/ securities borrower in the repurchase agreement decreases with the security. This leads to acquiring another asset and maintaining unchanged owner's equity. There's no need to intentionally increase the negative security position, and "securities" only exist on the asset side of the third party, while the asset side of the cash borrower in the repurchase agreement only holds the asset "security debt," not the security itself. Thus, dual recording is avoided.
Behind this equivalent accounting is how securities like government bonds are viewed from a monetary perspective. When it comes to money, people have an analytical approach to demand and supply. However, they often distinguish between money and goods, money and other financial products. Therefore, when considering the status of the securities borrower in repurchase transactions, although people understand that the borrower still owns the securities, benefiting from their returns and needing to return the securities upon maturity, they don't tend to approach it from a monetary angle. When the securities borrower returns the securities to the lender, should they return the original government bonds that were lent out initially? In terms of paper currency, this would be equivalent to whether a depositor withdrawing money should receive the exact same paper currency they deposited. If the same paper isn't required, the asset side of the securities lender doesn't change in terms of the securities item, so why does the paper change? There should be an accounting entry for audit purposes.
So, why does borrowing cash create a "debt claim" on the asset side of the cash lender and "cash" on the asset side of the cash borrower, while borrowing securities doesn't create a "security debt claim" on the asset side of the securities lender or "securities" on the asset side of the securities borrower? If we consider securities as paper currency, government bonds and cash can follow the same treatment. Attempting to view it from a monetary perspective could be more feasible, especially for products like government bonds. Government bonds, for the bondholder, are like holding paper currency issued by the central bank, with an inability to exchange it for anything, just as paper currency is unredeemable at the central bank. Government bonds that could be redeemed for gold during the gold standard era could be seen as a form of government debt that could be redeemed at any time (if they ever existed). Regular government bonds with set terms fall between these two cases. Furthermore, we can understand why the Japanese government can maintain an astounding level of debt. Traditional views attribute this to confidence in the Japanese government, coordination with monetary policy, and asset allocation needs. However, considering the existence of central bank currency and reserve deposits as liabilities that the central bank never needs to repay, and the reality that 600 billion yuan in bank cash corresponds to over 110 trillion yuan in demand deposits and withdrawable time deposits, the idea that these deposits might account for part of the debt base doesn't seem crucial.
If we consider government bonds as paper currency, can government bonds lead to monetary expansion? In fact, when reviewing the principles of monetary expansion, we find that it's defined based on money itself, which includes bank assets like paper currency and bank liabilities like deposits. Whether a bank expands its balance sheet through direct lending of paper currency or by expanding deposits, the result on the liability side is an increase in deposits, not an increase in paper currency. If only paper currency is money, then the principles of monetary expansion cease to exist, and it's only about printing money. In the case of government bonds, unless the debt of government bond holders can circulate like deposits, thus increasing the "government bond money supply," the idea that repurchase can expand the money supply or lead to the issuance of shadow money seems to imply that government bonds become money themselves. Perhaps the fiscal department might hope that the market never evolves, and government bond holders' debt can never circulate like government bonds, allowing government bonds to remain high.
In the past, even bank deposits had poor liquidity, and wages were paid out in paper currency. This is why in China, savings accounts couldn't even be classified as M1, as was the reality when money supply statistics were formulated in 1994. But now, such payouts only occur during the Spring Festival, and bank deposits have truly become the mainstay of money, even leading to mechanisms like Yu'e Bao, where bank deposits are used as reserves for money creation. For government bonds, both coupon-bearing government bonds and savings bonds can only be redeemed early or upon maturity. They lack liquidity and the potential to become money. It's only now that liquidity has improved and more possibilities have arisen, leading to the prospect of monetization. Perhaps one day, even train tickets could be purchased using government bonds.