为什么《信用创造、货币供求与经济结构》是一本必读书?Why is "Credit Creation, Money Supply and Economic Structure" a must-read book?
2015-02-04 季天鹤 央行观察
If many traders managed to avoid the money shortage in 2013 by reading First Row, then Credit Creation, Money Supply and Economic Structure is the latest reference for understanding the central bank's perspective.
Published in December 2014, the book by Li Bin and Wu Ge, who work in the People's Bank of China's Monetary Policy Department and Monetary Policy II Department, represents a new exploration in the same direction following the Deputy Director of the Monetary Policy Department, Sun Guofeng's First Row. If many traders managed to avoid the money shortage in 2013 by reading First Row, then Credit Creation, Money Supply and Economic Structure is the latest reference for understanding the central bank's perspective.
The analytical framework of the People's Bank of China and the market framework are not the same, as evident from the "Monetary Policy Implementation Report" and brokerage analysis reports. There are certainly multiple reasons for this disparity, but perhaps two are more important. First, the central bank understands its approach while the outside world does not, such as the quantity and specific accounting categories of "general deposits" used as the base for calculating statutory reserve ratios and the quantity of excess reserves. Second, although the market and the central bank have the same information set from the monthly published statistical reports on the central bank's website, their interpretation methods differ. Reading research papers and monographs published by the People's Bank of China can help shed light on this.
"Credit Creation, Money Supply and Economic Structure" systematically summarizes the scattered analyses previously disclosed by the central bank, especially in the areas of credit creation, offshore renminbi, and the relationship between money, prices, and output. Regarding credit creation, the authors adopt Mr. Sun Guofeng's framework, using balance sheet analysis, and explicitly refute popular market views such as "raising the statutory reserve ratio will increase the total reserve amount," "absorbing deposits to issue loans," and "absorbing deposits to meet the needs of statutory reserves." Furthermore, the authors analyze in detail how interbank business affects credit creation, providing a detailed analysis of the interbank channel in the "Monetary Policy Implementation Report" for the third quarter of 2013. This is of great help in gaining a deeper understanding of funding costs in the interbank market and real economy financing.
Regarding offshore renminbi, the authors adopt the same settlement perspective analysis as Mr. Wang Yongli of the Bank of China. They point out that offshore renminbi deposits are the result of the joint credit creation of onshore central banks and banks acting as "central banks." The impact of offshore deposits on onshore money supply is determined by the current three clearing models. The outflow of funds under the clearing bank model is similar to the situation where residents withdraw large amounts of cash before the Spring Festival. The agent bank model is similar to the situation where funds flow into the balance of Yu'ebao (a money market fund managed by Ant Financial). The NRA model is similar to the situation where banks lend to each other at the end of the quarter or transfer intra-bank deposits. Therefore, specific circumstances need to be analyzed specifically.
Regarding the relationship between money, prices, and output, the authors strive to explain the seemingly contradictory phenomena of high M2/GDP and low inflation. Their perspective follows the central bank's consistent views on financing structure and high savings rates. Specifically, bank financing itself creates money, and non-intermediated financing only transfers money without creating new money; high savings rates reduce money circulation, leading to a disconnect between new money and GDP, and a lack of funding for financing parties from savings deposits exacerbates their demand for the banking system. Additionally, the authors point out that investment-driven growth generates substantial demand for credit, reflected in high money growth rates and money supply.
Regarding low inflation, the authors argue that there are two markets: competitive sectors and monopolistic sectors. The former are mostly measured by the CPI, which has a low growth rate. However, the latter (housing, healthcare, education, etc.) have significantly rising prices. A large amount of money flows into monopolistic sectors, thereby raising prices. To purchase higher-priced monopolistic products, more savings are generated, expanding the money supply and causing weak price growth in competitive sectors. From a deeper perspective, the authors are exploring whether the central bank should consider asset prices as a factor in monetary policy. Higher asset prices (such as stocks and real estate) can lead to traditional wealth effects (increased consumption) and drive investment supply (more IPOs and new houses), as well as attract more funds (such as converting deposits from consumption to securities account margins or down payments), directly affecting the monetary structure.
There may be three points of supplementation and doubt. First, regarding the channels of credit creation, the authors follow the traditional analysis method, analyzing the issue from the angles of loans, forex purchases, and bond purchases. However, a more fundamental perspective might be to look at changes in assets and liabilities, i.e., whether the creation of one asset by a bank corresponds to the reduction of another asset or an increase in the bank's own liabilities. If it's the former, there is no new money created; if it's the latter, new money is generated. Enumerating specific financial products (loans, forex purchases, etc.) can easily be misleading, as the variety of products is vast. Second, there is the issue of shadow banking. Although the authors discuss the impact of shadow banking on the money supply, they point out that if it doesn't affect the quantity of deposit money on the liability side of commercial banks, then the shadow banking system doesn't create money. However, the real issue with shadow banking is that it broadens the scope of money, just like my Yu'ebao shares far exceed my bank deposits because Yu'ebao shares are easily used for payments. If Yu'ebao, like the bank described by Mises, invests in bonds and takes in bank deposits from others, then it's realized credit expansion, creating Yu'ebao shares, or shadow bank money. The key to shadow banking is using commercial bank deposits as its reserves, so even if the original commercial bank deposits remain unchanged, shadow banking will expand and create new money.
Third, concerning offshore renminbi, the authors describe the derivation model of offshore renminbi deposits. In this model, enterprise deposits form assets held by foreign banks, banks retain part of these assets as reserves, and the remaining assets are lent out, forming derived deposits through the money multiplier effect. However, the authors themselves mention in the third chapter that creating money doesn't necessarily require multiple deposits and loan transactions in a single bank, nor does it require the aggregation of many individual banks to create the wondrous effects of the entire banking system. Therefore, whether offshore banks need multiple transmissions to derive deposits becomes a question unanswered in this book.
In conclusion, heartfelt thanks to the authors, Li Bin and Wu Ge, for presenting their insightful analysis in this book. Hopefully, this book will bring new insights to more readers.